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Contact Linda Page

Would you like to meet? 

Based in her home office, Linda is happy to meet up in person in any one of the lovely coffee shops in Rotorua. 

Alternatively, she can meet at your business at a time that suits.

Or, of course, a Zoom meeting. .

Local · National · International

Linda has assisted companies all over the world, all that is needed is an internet connection! 

Do you have a question?

Perhaps there's something you'd like to find out more about? 

Contact Linda Page - fill out the contact form and she'll be in touch.

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Graphic Design Articles 

Logo file types

I often get asked what file types I supply when designing a logo. Rather than get into technical speak I explain that I provide two types of files - vector(print) or raster (web use/internalRead more


I love helping new companies set up, get their branding under control, making sure their online presence looks pristine and seeing them step confidently forth into the business world being proud ofRead more

Branding - what are you without it?

I was heading into town with my family to collect something, when I noticed something different in the environment. For some reason I was noticing a building facade in the distance. "Was that wallRead more

Branding for AllRecruits

It's all about Recruiting - both for the individual candidates searching for a job and the corporates looking to fill a position. It's new to New Zealand and the team at AllRecruits wants to show theRead more

Secure websites

"The connection to is not secure" Have you ever changed your mind when you saw this warning while browsing the internet? Did it make you consider whether you really wanted to continueRead more

Logo design process

So we've had a meeting and discussed the logo you require. I will then spend a couple of days trying not to think about your logo. Inevitably, that's an invitation for my brain to sneakily thinkRead more

Why .eps?

When your logo files get sent to you, you will find several types of files, some of which you probably can't open - don't move them to the trash! These are most likely your vector file versions.  IRead more

A Rebranding Journey

I attended a workshop over many weeks (Digital Boost) along with several other business owners trying to learn more about how best to represent one's business online. We learned many useful thingsRead more

Do we need to meet up?

It is helpful to meet up and gauge whether you're a good fit for each other, but it's not always completely necessary. Having worked through the Covid years of Zoom meetings, helped show me thatRead more

Web presence

It's critical to have an online presence. If you think about your own behaviour when deciding to use a business for their service - don't you check their website? Or at least their social pages? HaviRead more

Full branding

When approached by Doug with regard to designing packaging for a premium product, I had to convince him to begin by giving his product an identity, starting with a logo. We had many discussionsRead more

Why does my company need a website?

A website is an essential tool for any small business. It allows customers to learn more about your company, its products and services, contact information, and business hours. It may also provide aRead more


"I am so delighted with the work Linda Page has done for me and really appreciate how great she's been to work with."

Helen Bennett
Bennett's Admin Consultancy

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